Sunday, March 2, 2014

New Parts for the VS Assembly on the way!

Getting the parts.
It took a while, but the new parts for the VS assembly "Part Deux" are on the way.  Van's has a reputation for being very good at support after the sale.  I am hoping that my recent experience is an isolated incident.  I waited 3 business days for a response to a tech email question and over a week for a replacement parts order to be processed.

The knee.
In the mean time, I experienced another setback with my right knee.  While nursing issues with my meniscus for a few months, it popped again last week and left me semi-crippled (and squealing like a child) for the second time in 60 days.  My amazing wife successfully managed to have my surgery pushed up to this past Friday (initially scheduled for mid April).  Friday I had the surgery and appear to be healing well.  Worked out to be a good use of the building downtime.

New hours of operations.
I'm looking forward to getting the replacement parts in and cranking back up the assembly plant.  In the interest of continued marital bliss, I am going to make a voluntary self-adjustment to the operating hours of the assembly plant.  Regular operations will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays after work.  Build will also take place other times when opportunities present them self w/o interfering with family time.  Anyone who wants to help, or just stop by and visit to take a look, is welcome to swing by on Tuesday or Thursday evenings.  I'll be the guy limping around (in the near term).

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